Discover Your Purpose & Who You Are Beyond Being A Mom
Starts October 20th
Get ready to..
Lay a strong foundation with the structures and practices that will support you on your journey
Shift the focus from taking care of everyone else, to taking care of YOU. And feel good about doing it!
Gain clarity around your values, passion and gifts so you can step confidently into your future.
Get the tools you need to disempower the limiting beliefs and stories about yourself that have been keeping you stuck.
Create a vision for your future that lives in possibility, not limitation.
Build your self-confidence and self-worth
Liberate yourself from the ‘shoulds’ and the ‘have tos’ so you can create a new narrative around the ‘wants’ and the ‘get tos’.

Discover who you are beyond mom & be empowered to live with intention and in flow
Pathway to Purpose Topics and Modules Include:
Defining what purpose means to YOU
It starts with YOU – learning how to listen to the answers from within.
Creating routine to support your new way of being.
Defining your big WHY
The 6 pillars to living a BRIGHTer life
Identifying specific areas of your life that you want to expand
Setting goals and developing an action plan to support your growth ff
Identifying the things that bring you joy
Learning how to set boundaries – say yes to saying no
Building a roadmap

Monthly Small Group Coaching Sessions
Each month we’ll start with a specific topic, that includes teaching and any relevant materials. There will be plenty of time for discussion and integration as each member shares her challenges, wins and learnings relative to the topic to benefit the entire group. The group dynamic allows for sharing of ideas and collaboration amongst members.

Monthly Q&A sessions
Got questions? Each month you will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding materials and have them answered by Bridget.

Online Community
private Facebook group to allow for members to engage outside of the group setting. This provides an additional opportunity for coaching and guidance in between sessions.

Monthly one:one coaching sessions
Each member will have one 30 minute one on one coaching session per month available to use for individualized guidance.

Live BRIGHTer journal and workbook
Bridget’s proprietary materials based on the 6 Pillars of her program specifically designed for use in the Pathway to Purpose program.

Handouts and learning materials
To support your learning and program integration.
Optional program upgrades
Want additional coaching or an in-depth character survey review? Upgrades available for purchase!

“I’ve learned that I am more than a wife and parent..I am a writer and artist. My personal growth within this program is immeasurable. I started off hoping to find a purpose, a passion and discovered my authentic self. I never would have made such progress without Bridget's expert guidance, support, advice, and suggestions. I, and my family, too, will be forever grateful!”
- Diane Crayne Gardner
"I've learned that it's worth the time and money to invest in me. It makes me feel good and …I really like having a coach to keep me accountable and push me forward. I feel it's impossible to do this work and make this progress on your own, no matter how smart you are. You need a coach and Bridget has been great for me!"
-Carrie Freitas
"Bridget came into my life at a time where I was ‘down and out’. I am so grateful to have had you help me work through my emotions, build me up and teach me to not be small. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Program satisfaction rating: 10/10."
"My biggest struggle is trying to find myself and figure out what I want after being so focused on raising my kids and not..making intentional choices for me. Bridget guides in a warm, trustworthy and genuine way. She helps you define your goals and provides tools that work to move you forward. She is a great support but also holds you accountable."

Create The Life You Love with Bridget Belden
Spend 6 months focusing on yourself with weekly training and guidance, proven tools to support you and a community of like-minded women to accompany you every step of the way.
Got questions?
Book a FREE 30 minute call with Bridget to get more details
Schedule Your Breakthrough SessionA personal note from Bridget
I can remember it like it was yesterday. Not knowing who I was, what I was passionate about or why I was here. As much as I loved my family, I had this hole inside. Something was missing. And so I went searching until I found it.
It wasn’t easy – in fact, sometimes it was quite painful – but I just knew that I had to figure it out. I didn’t want to wake up one day, look and my husband and say, who are you and where have I been for the past 20 years?
I am so grateful that I figured it out. I always told myself that someday I would share my story with other women who might feel the same way and offer them the tools and support so that they could discover who they were beyond being a mom. Their passion. Their purpose. Their reason for being.
That day has arrived, and I am so excited to personally invite you to join me in this transformational coaching program. Through my 20+ years of doing this work on my own personal growth, along with my more recent work with women through my one:one coaching program, I have developed the tools and strategies to help you find your way back to yourself, so you can create a life you love.
I hope you’ll join me, and other like-minded women to put a stake in the ground for what YOU want.